I’ve recently signed up to Viaduct, a hosting service by the guys at aTech Media. I was very intrigued after using their last hosting service, Appli, and was upset when it was shut down.

Viaduct is like Heroku’s better looking sister that no-one can keep their eyes off. But why? Here’s a few reasons:

  • It supports multiple languages such as Ruby, Node.js, Python and PHP with more coming soon.
  • Supports a number of different databases like MySQL, Postgres, Redis and more.
  • Easily setup “shared directories” allowing files to stored on Viaduct. They don’t need to be stored on a cloud storage provider such as S3.
  • Setup web processes or workers with a few clicks. It also automatically detects if you have DelayedJob or Resque setup which is very neat!
  • Deploy from Git repositories as well as Mercurial with zip & FTP coming soon.
  • They also have an SMTP service meaning you don’t have to pay extra for a service like Postmark.
  • Small applications are completely free! You get 1 worker process, 1 small/hobby database, 1GB storage and 3 shared directories for free.
  • A simple & beautiful web interface for managing your apps.
  • Useful graphs for showing number of requests, the speed of your app and the amount of bandwidth.
  • Easily put your app into “Maintenance Mode”
  • Add custom Environment Variables with a few clicks
  • Simply add Scheduled Tasks

There are loads of features that Viaduct does better, or that Heroku doesn’t have, to list here. Those are just some of them!

Seriously, you should try it out now!